About Us & Our Quest

How did it all begin?

On a sunny morning back in July 2021 while having my morning walk I was thinking about my long journey that I began in the stock market and towards financial independence about a decade earlier,
And then I asked myself a question…
The markets are not less complicated than what they used to be, are they?
It’s more confusing and difficult to make the right decisions these days, because unlike ever before, you have so much information on the web, and it can easily get overwhelming and disorienting to find the right path for you.
And that’s when the idea of forming a simplified guide toward financial education began.
Soon after SimpleCapitalQuest was born and a team was assembled to create a passion project whose ultimate goal is to create a hub in which any individual can learn how to navigate and properly understand how Investing, Trading, and money works.

So what is simple Capital Quest?

Simple capital quest is more than just a website that publishes courses,
Simple capital quest is a way of life, This project is created from a deep passion for education and financial independence journey which many wish to reach the end of.
But it’s not about the end goal, It’s about the journey.
The things you learn, the people you meet, and the experiences you acquire.
And that’s why Simple Capital Quest has been created.
To build a journey of financial education like no other on the market.
Our vision of the future is simple, For every individual out there to have the access to educate themselves on finances, In how money works, And how your money can work for you, And in the process to build a strong community that discusses investments, Financial Freedom and life.
In the quest for simpler capital, we would like to meet and introduce like-minded Individuals that strive to better their finances alongside growing and educating themselves and others on the way money works for a simple porpoise. Instead of your life being controlled by money, For you to have full control of the money you possess in your life and the steps are simple yet hard to implement alone.

What We Do

Prof. Online Courses

Our team is dedicated to creating high-quality courses covering many subjects starting with Investing and all the way to personal finance and money management
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Market Articles & More

A team of writers and analysts working together to produce accurate and simple articles which will enhance your knowledge about the market today.
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Anything starting from how to open an investment/trading account how to use their website to how to buy/sell cryptocurrency & NFT’s.
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